Actions and Commands

Actions concerning the actor's possessions
Taking inventory , Taking , Removing it from , Dropping , Putting it on , Inserting it into , Eating 

Actions which move the actor
Going , Entering , Exiting , Getting off 

Actions concerning the actor's vision
Looking , Examining , Looking under , Searching , Consulting it about 

Actions which change the state of things
Locking it with , Unlocking it with , Switching on , Switching off , Opening , Closing , Wearing , Taking off 

Actions concerning other people
Giving it to , Showing it to , Waking , Throwing it at , Attacking , Kissing , Answering it that , Telling it about , Asking it about , Asking it for 

Actions which are checked but then do nothing unless rules intervene
Waiting , Touching , Waving , Pulling , Pushing , Turning , Pushing it to , Squeezing 

Actions which always do nothing unless rules intervene
Saying yes , Saying no , Burning , Waking up , Thinking , Smelling , Listening to , Tasting , Cutting , Jumping , Tying it to , Drinking , Saying sorry , Swearing obscenely , Swearing mildly , Swinging , Rubbing , Setting it to , Waving hands , Buying , Singing , Climbing , Sleeping 

Actions which happen out of world
Quitting the game , Saving the game , Restoring the game , Restarting the game , Verifying the story file , Switching the story transcript on , Switching the story transcript off , Requesting the story file version , Requesting the score , Preferring abbreviated room descriptions , Preferring unabbreviated room descriptions , Preferring sometimes abbreviated room descriptions , Switching score notification on , Switching score notification off , Requesting the pronoun meanings 

Actions defined by the extension Basic Help Menu
Asking for help [E1] 

Actions defined by the extension Simple Chat
Finding responses to [E2] , Giving text for [E2] , Giving link to [E2] , Preparing [E2] 

New actions defined in the source
Calming down  , Parrying  , Dodging  , Retreating  , Concentrating  , Smashing  , Becoming angry  , Starting deadlier combat  , Making bronze armour  , Cursing  , Shielding  , Becoming gaseous  , Summoning imps  , Scouting  , Firebombing  , Needling  , Determining  , Sacrificing  , Awaiting  , Bringing up the skills menu  , Listing the skills  , Listing the usable skills  , Swimming  , Xyzzying  , Throwing  , Talking to  , Showing the stats  , Showing the enemy stats  , Snuffing  , Armageddon  , Becoming skillful  , Replenishing  , Gaboodling  , Gabeedling  

Definitions of behaving randomly [E3] and acting fast  can be found in the Kinds index.

Actions listed in red control the program simulating the fictional world, but do not affect that world. (What are actions? )

Commands available to the player

"[direction]" - Going

"a [thing]"  - Attacking 
"about" [E1] - Asking for help 
"actions", a testing command not available in the final game
"adjust", same as "set" 
"anger"  - Becoming angry 
"angry"  - Becoming angry 
"answer to [person]"  - Talking to 
"answer with [a person]"  - Talking to 
"answer [text] to [someone]" - Answering it that  (reversed)
"armageddon"  - Armageddon 
"arthur"  - Replenishing 
"ask [someone] for [something]" - Asking it for 
"ask [someone] about [text]" - Asking it about 
"attach", same as "tie" 
"attack [something]" - Attacking 
"await [a number]"  - Awaiting 
"awake", same as "wake" 
"awaken", same as "wake" 

"bomb"  - Firebombing 
"break", same as "attack" 
"brief" - Preferring sometimes abbreviated room descriptions 
"bronze"  - Making bronze armour 
"bronze armour"  - Making bronze armour 
"burn [something]" - Burning 
"buy [something]" - Buying 

"c"  - Concentrating 
"calm"  - Calming down 
"calm down"  - Calming down 
"carry", same as "take" 
"check", same as "examine" 
"chop", same as "cut" 
"clean", same as "rub" 
"clear", same as "push" 
"climb [something]" - Climbing 
"climb up/over [something]" - Climbing 
"close [something]" - Closing 
"close off [something]" - Switching off 
"close up [something]" - Closing 
"concentrate"  - Concentrating 
"consult [something] on/about [text]" - Consulting it about 
"cover", same as "close" 
"crack", same as "attack" 
"cross", same as "enter" 
"curse [person]"  - Cursing 
"cut [something]" - Cutting 

"deadlier combat"  - Starting deadlier combat 
"deexcite"  - Gabeedling 
"describe", same as "examine" 
"destroy", same as "attack" 
"det"  - Determining 
"determination"  - Determining 
"diagnose"  - Showing the stats 
"discard", same as "drop" 
"display", same as "show" 
"disrobe", same as "shed" 
"dive"  - Swimming 
"do"  - Dodging 
"dodge"  - Dodging 
"doff", same as "shed" 
"don", same as "wear" 
"drag", same as "pull" 
"drink [something]" - Drinking 
"drop [things preferably held]" - Dropping 
"drop [something preferably held] at/against/on/onto [something]" - Throwing it at 
"drop [other things] on/onto [something]" - Putting it on 
"drop [other things] in/into/down [something]" - Inserting it into 
"dust", same as "rub" 

"eat [something preferably held]" - Eating 
"embrace", same as "kiss" 
"enemies"  - Showing the enemy stats 
"enemy"  - Showing the enemy stats 
"enemy stats"  - Showing the enemy stats 
"enemy statistics"  - Showing the enemy stats 
"enter [something]" - Entering 
"estats"  - Showing the enemy stats 
"examine [something]" - Examining 
"excite"  - Gaboodling 
"exit" - Exiting 

"fasten", same as "tie" 
"feed", same as "give" 
"feel", same as "touch" 
"fight", same as "attack" 
"fire bomb"  - Firebombing 
"firebomb"  - Firebombing 
"fix", same as "tie" 

"gas"  - Becoming gaseous 
"gaseous"  - Becoming gaseous 
"gaseous form"  - Becoming gaseous 
"get out/off/up" - Exiting 
"get [things]" - Taking 
"get off [something]" - Getting off 
"get in/into/on/onto [something]" - Entering 
"get [things inside] from [something]" - Removing it from 
"give [someone] [something preferably held]" - Giving it to  (reversed)
"give [something preferably held] to [someone]" - Giving it to 
"go" - Going 
"go [direction]" - Going 
"go [something]" - Entering 
"go through [thing]"  - Entering 
"go behind [thing]"  - Entering 
"go into/in/inside/through [something]" - Entering 

"hear [something]" - Listening to 
"help" [E1] - Asking for help 
"hint" [E1] - Asking for help 
"hints" [E1] - Asking for help 
"hit", same as "attack" 
"hold", same as "take" 
"hop", same as "jump" 
"hug", same as "kiss" 

"i", same as "inventory" 
"imp"  - Summoning imps 
"imps"  - Summoning imps 
"info" [E1] - Asking for help 
"insert [other things] in/into [something]" - Inserting it into 
"inv", same as "inventory" 
"inventory" - Taking inventory 

"jump" - Jumping 

"kill", same as "attack" 
"kiss [someone]" - Kissing 

"l", same as "look" 
"leave", same as "go" 
"light", same as "burn" 
"list skill"  - Listing the skills 
"list skills"  - Listing the skills 
"listen" - Listening to 
"listen to [something]" - Listening to 
"lock [something] with [something preferably held]" - Locking it with 
"long" - Preferring unabbreviated room descriptions 
"look" - Looking 
"look under [something]" - Looking under 
"look inside/in/into/through [something]" - Searching 
"look at [something]" - Examining 
"look up [text] in [something]" - Consulting it about  (reversed)

"menu"  - Asking for help 
"merlin"  - Becoming skillful 
"move", same as "push" 
"murder", same as "attack" 

"nap", same as "sleep" 
"needle [a person]"  - Needling 
"no" - Saying no 
"nod"  - Saying yes 
"normal" - Preferring sometimes abbreviated room descriptions 
"notify" - Switching score notification on 
"notify on" - Switching score notification on 
"notify off" - Switching score notification off 
"nouns" - Requesting the pronoun meanings 

"offer", same as "give" 
"open [something]" - Opening 
"open [something] with [something preferably held]" - Unlocking it with 
"out", same as "exit" 

"p"  - Parrying 
"parry"  - Parrying 
"pay", same as "give" 
"pick [things] up" - Taking 
"pick up [things]" - Taking 
"polish", same as "rub" 
"present", same as "show" 
"press", same as "push" 
"pronouns" - Requesting the pronoun meanings 
"prune", same as "cut" 
"pull [something]" - Pulling 
"punch", same as "attack" 
"purchase", same as "buy" 
"push [something]" - Pushing 
"push [something] [direction]" - Pushing it to 
"push [something] to [direction]" - Pushing it to 
"put on [something preferably held]" - Wearing 
"put [things preferably held] down" - Dropping 
"put down [things preferably held]" - Dropping 
"put [other things] on/onto [something]" - Putting it on 
"put [other things] in/inside/into [something]" - Inserting it into 

"q" - Quitting the game 
"quit" - Quitting the game 

"r"  - Retreating 
"read [something]" - Examining 
"read about [text] in [something]" - Consulting it about  (reversed)
"read [text] in [something]" - Consulting it about  (reversed)
"relations", a testing command not available in the final game
"remove [something preferably held]" - Taking off 
"remove [things inside] from [something]" - Removing it from 
"restart" - Restarting the game 
"restore" - Restoring the game 
"retreat"  - Retreating 
"rotate", same as "turn" 
"rub [something]" - Rubbing 
"run", same as "go" 

"sacrifice [a number]"  - Sacrificing 
"save" - Saving the game 
"say", same as "answer" 
"scale", same as "climb" 
"scenes", a testing command not available in the final game
"score" - Requesting the score 
"scout [a direction]"  - Scouting 
"screw", same as "turn" 
"script" - Switching the story transcript on 
"script on" - Switching the story transcript on 
"script off" - Switching the story transcript off 
"scrub", same as "rub" 
"search [something]" - Searching 
"set [something] to [text]" - Setting it to 
"shed [something preferably held]" - Taking off 
"shield"  - Shielding 
"shift", same as "push" 
"shine", same as "rub" 
"short" - Preferring abbreviated room descriptions 
"shout", same as "answer" 
"show stats"  - Showing the stats 
"show [someone] [something preferably held]" - Showing it to  (reversed)
"show [something preferably held] to [someone]" - Showing it to 
"showme", a testing command not available in the final game
"shut", same as "close" 
"sing" - Singing 
"sip", same as "drink" 
"sit on/in/inside [something]" - Entering 
"sit on top of [something]" - Entering 
"skills"  - Bringing up the skills menu 
"skip", same as "jump" 
"sleep" - Sleeping 
"slice", same as "cut" 
"smash [something]"  - Smashing 
"smell" - Smelling 
"smell [something]" - Smelling 
"sniff", same as "smell" 
"snuff all"  - Armageddon 
"snuff [a person]"  - Snuffing 
"sorry" - Saying sorry 
"speak", same as "answer" 
"squash", same as "squeeze" 
"squeeze [something]" - Squeezing 
"stand" - Exiting 
"stand up" - Exiting 
"stand on [something]" - Entering 
"statistics"  - Showing the stats 
"stats"  - Showing the stats 
"summon imps"  - Summoning imps 
"summon imp"  - Summoning imps 
"superbrief" - Preferring abbreviated room descriptions 
"swallow", same as "drink" 
"sweep", same as "rub" 
"swim"  - Swimming 
"swing [something]" - Swinging 
"swing on [something]" - Swinging 
"switch [something]" - Switching on 
"switch off [something]" - Switching off 
"switch [something] off" - Switching off 
"switch [something] on" - Switching on 
"switch on [something]" - Switching on 

"t [a person]"  - Talking to 
"t to [a person]"  - Talking to 
"t to [a person] about [text]"  - Telling it about 
"t to [a person] [text]"  - Telling it about 
"t [a person] about [text]"  - Telling it about 
"t [a person] [text]"  - Telling it about 
"take inventory" - Taking inventory 
"take [things]" - Taking 
"take off [something]" - Taking off 
"take [things inside] off [something]" - Removing it from 
"take [things inside] from [something]" - Removing it from 
"talk to [person]"  - Talking to 
"talk with [person]"  - Talking to 
"talk to [a person] about [text]"  - Telling it about 
"talk to [a person] [text]"  - Telling it about 
"taste [something]" - Tasting 
"tell [someone] about [text]" - Telling it about 
"test", a testing command not available in the final game
"think" - Thinking 
"throw [a thing]"  - Throwing 
"thump", same as "attack" 
"tie [something] to [something]" - Tying it to 
"torture", same as "attack" 
"touch [something]" - Touching 
"transcript" - Switching the story transcript on 
"transcript on" - Switching the story transcript on 
"transcript off" - Switching the story transcript off 
"turn [something]" - Turning 
"turn off [something]" - Switching off 
"turn [something] off" - Switching off 
"turn on [something]" - Switching on 
"turn [something] on" - Switching on 
"twist", same as "turn" 

"uncover", same as "open" 
"unlock [something] with [something preferably held]" - Unlocking it with 
"unscrew", same as "turn" 
"unwrap", same as "open" 
"usable skills"  - Listing the usable skills 
"use skill"  - Listing the usable skills 
"use skills"  - Listing the usable skills 

"verbose" - Preferring unabbreviated room descriptions 
"verify" - Verifying the story file 
"version" - Requesting the story file version 

"wait" - Waiting 
"wake" - Waking up 
"wake up" - Waking up 
"wake [someone]" - Waking 
"wake up [someone]" - Waking 
"wake [someone] up" - Waking 
"walk", same as "go" 
"watch", same as "examine" 
"wave" - Waving hands 
"wave [something]" - Waving 
"wear [something preferably held]" - Wearing 
"wipe", same as "rub" 
"wreck", same as "attack" 

"x", same as "examine" 
"xyzzy"  - Xyzzying 

"y", same as "yes" 
"yes" - Saying yes 

"z", same as "wait" 

[E1]. Defined in Basic Help Menu by Emily Short
[E2]. Defined in Simple Chat by Mark Tilford
[E3]. Defined in Dice-lock by S John Ross